Oral presentations
Each session will be grouped in 4 to 6 papers. Each presenter will be given 15 minutes to present his/her work. After each presentation there will be allocated 5 minutes for questions and answers. Your chair will be very strict about timing and will stop you when your 15 minutes time is up even if you have not finished.
Both oral presentations and slides have to be in English only.
Acceptable formats of slide presentation include MS PowerPoint and Acrobat PDF. Please ensure that your presentations will be in one of these formats. Projectors will be provided for all sessions.
Bring your presentation on a USB memory stick and upload it in youf Session Room computer no later than 15 minutes prior to your session start.
Poster presentations
Posters will be displayed on a wall or mounting board. Conference organizers will provide tape or tacks depending on the mounting surface available. Presenters are responsible for producing their actual poster.
For more details about Poster Submission Guidelines see: https://iatour.org/icot2021/?page_id=449.
Presenters are required to set up their posters prior to the start of their session. For more details ask the conference secretariat during the event.