Poster Submission Guidelines
1. Poster sessions will be scheduled for poster presenters to be able to answer questions regarding their projects.
2. Title should be in bold.
3. Author’s affiliations and e-mail addresses for corresponding authors should be included.
4. Body of the poster should start with a short introduction followed by methods, results and conclusion(s) clearly indicted.
5. Text should be kept to a minimum, and each block of text should include no more than a few sentences.
6. Suggested font sizes are main title: 78-96 pt (bold, upper case), author(s): 72 pt (bold, title case), affiliation(s): 48 pt (normal, title case), subheading: 36 pt (bold uppercase), body of text: 24 pt (normal).
7. Print is A2 size (420mm x 594mm).
8. Bring your Poster with you and give it to the registration desk during during your registration.
9. Posters that are selected will appear in the book of abstracts.
Please submit the abstract of your poster for review at: