Rethymnon, Crete, Greece 23-26 June 2021


The organisers of the International Conference on Tourism ICOT20220 invite contributions to be submitted for the ‘Best Paper’ and ‘Young Scholar’ Award competition:

Best Paper Award in Tourism – International Journal of Tourism Policy (

A Best Paper Award in Tourism will be given by the International Journal of Tourism Policy (IJTP). It will honour the author(s) of a paper of exceptional merit accepted and presented at the conference. Applications of candidates for this award are to be submitted electronically to Dr Matina Terzidou ( by 8/06/2022, clearly indicating entry for IJTP award. The award winners are chosen by the members of the scientific committee.

New Scholars Awards

The award intends to recognize three papers of exceptional merit of scholars who present their paper at the conference and show outstanding merit at the beginnings of their careers. Applicants should be either Ph.D. students, Post-doc fellows or have obtained their PhD within the last 3 years. For applications to be valid, the applicant must be the sole author of the paper. Applications, including full paper should be made electronically to Dr Matina Terzidou ( no later than 12/06/2022. The award winners are chosen by members of the scientific committee.

Submission Guidelines

The submission guidelines applicable only for the papers wishing to be considered for the Best Paper Award and the Young Scientist Award can be found here: Paper Submission Guidelines