Braga, Porto, Portugal 26-29 June 2019

Submission & Fees

Abstracts are invited for concurrent sessions and poster presentations. The abstract will be the sole criterion for reviewers to decide the acceptance (or not) of the paper or poster for presentation. Thus the abstract should clearly communicate the objective(s) of the work, the results and their significance, and the advancement over previous work. Time and effort spent constructing a clear, concise, and well-written abstract will maximize the chances of the paper being accepted. Original and significant work is a prerequisite for paper acceptance.

Submitted abstracts should be between 250 and 350 words. Abstracts may only be submitted on-line no later than May 15th 2019 (Please submit your abstract through EasyChair at:

Key Dates

Abstract submission deadline (250-350 words) 15th May 2019
Notification of acceptance / referees’ amendments 30th May 2019
Conference 26 – 29 June 2019

Conference Fees

  Early Registration
(Until 4th June 2019)
Late Registration
(Until 13th June 2019)
Full registration €300 €500
Research Students 
€200 €350
Accompanying Persons (non-academic) €150 €200

The fee applies for one presentation ie. for each presentation at least one presenter should register and pay the fee. For each additional presentation there is an extra charge of €100.